Tata Technologies, a provider of engineering and product development digital services, made a strong debut on the stock exchanges. The company’s shares listed at Rs 1,200 on the BSE, registering a premium of 140 per cent to the issue price of Rs 500. The stock further zoomed 180 per cent to Rs 1,400, showing a huge surge of 139.99 per cent from the issue price on the BSE . At the NSE, it began the trade at Rs 1,200, rallying 180 per cent .
Key points about the Tata Technologies IPO:
- The issue was oversubscribed 69 times, indicating strong investor interest in the company .
- The grey market premium (GMP) rose over 80 per cent, suggesting the strong demand for the IPO even before its listing .
- The company was listed at a record high premium of 140 per cent to the issue price .
- The issue received a record 73 lakh applications, showing the high demand for Tata Technologies’ shares.
What’s next?
- If you didn’t participate in the IPO, consider analyzing the company’s fundamentals and growth prospects before making a decision.
- If you’re a long-term investor, you might consider holding on to your shares as the company is well-positioned for sustained growth .
- You can check the company’s post-listing performance on the BSE and NSE.
- You can also consider investing in other similar engineering services companies, given the strong demand for this sector.